This species is indicative of site quality

This "D" shaped hole is a sign of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). This insect is known to cause tree mortality. Do you have any of these trees on your property? Better give us a call to salvage these trees and make your woods safer to navigate before the EAB kills the Ash

This perennial flower is indicative of site quality, ever see it on your property?

When you are in your forest, you should always be able to find your boundary lines. This example is how DHW Forest Consulting, LLC can manage your boundaries.

These trees can live over 100 years!

This hoofed fungus is typically observed on birch trees, such as this Yellow birch in the photo. These fungi can be used in a jam when you need to start your camp fire.

Birch trees, specifically Yellow birch, is a pioneer species that can just about establish and adapt under most conditions. See it's roots?

See those white waxy filaments on the needles? That it a tall tale sign of the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. These insects cause mortality, are your trees healthy?